Thursday, September 19, 2013

Life is Normal.

1) Luke has mastered silly face.  I find several of these pictures on my phone when Clare is the photographer.  2) I took the kids to Pizza Hut buffet one afternoon after a visit to the Y.  It was a really random decision.  They actually did very well.  We rarely dine out so this was a treat for all of us.  Clare said she liked being a big girl at Pizza Hut (because she got to drink Lemonade - diluted with a lot of water).  3) Grandpa's 81st birthday cupcake.  I think we were able to squeeze about 20 candles on the cupcake.  4) We love corn on the cob at our house.  We are sad that corn season is over.  5) I gave Clare the freedom to paint one afternoon during Luke's nap time.  She will request a painting activity several times a week.  This time I gave her a little more freedom to explore herself.  She did great!  She did hand prints (mostly) by herself.

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