Friday, April 08, 2011

Our Blessing Turns 1

One year ago, we were blessed with a sweet baby girl. I had no idea there was a reserve love tank built in me that could pour out so much love for a little miracle. Each day I'm amazed by her and the overwhelming amount of love I have for my family. It's a feeling that is difficult to explain. So I soak it up! I thank God daily. And I continue to pray.

I think Clare has a lovely balance of mom and dad genes. She definitely has her Daddy's eyes. I'm not sure of the date for the photo of Stephen sleeping with his Dad, but I'm guessing it's around his first birthday.

(And to think, two years ago we were soaking up the sun in Belize and toasting ice cold Belikin's with Team Saunders)!


Stef said...

Happy First Birthday Sweetheart! Enjoy that cake!

Anonymous said...

Only a mom can understand those emotions. I remember having a conversation with you walking out of the liquor store when you visited and I was trying so hard to put into words the emotions you feel about having kids and I failed horribly....glad that you are able to experience them! (I was worried that day that you never would.....)

Happy Birthday!!!


Mommy Bishop said...

I cant believe she is a year, she is so sweet! We miss you guys lots and are so happy that your family is so blessed!!

Anonymous said...

She is a perfect mix of two very special people. Happy Birthday Clare and may your years continue to be blessed.